Monday, April 3, 2023

Final Blog Post: All Milestone Projects

 These are all my blogpost for my final semester. Happy Viewing and Thank You very much!!!

BLOGPOST #1 - My First Definition

BLOGPOST #2 - Animation

BLOGPOST #3 - Stacked Slice Models

BLOGPOST #4 - Replicate and Remediate 

Sunday, April 2, 2023

Blog Post: Project 2: Replicate and Remediate: Mold and Match-cut

Below are the image process of creating the mold and match cut. 

Creating these processes with my peers was really fun. I hope I have a chance to do it again.

Project #2: Replicate/Remediate: Initial Design

For this assignment, I researched Ebitenyefa Baralaye's work. His works were simple and elegant which I'm going to try to create a series of design in Rhino to replicate his work

This is my initial design for my work. I prefer creating simple design for my object because I like simple elegant curves which reminds me about my grandmother who passed away, she loves simple and elegant curve objects or vases. 

Monday, March 6, 2023

Milestone #1: Project Completion

 Sorry for the late post of this project.


The original design:

Laser-Ready items

The Object:

Sunday, March 5, 2023

Blogpost: Algorithmic Surface Modelling

 I apologize for the late post of this assignment.

For this assignment, I've created a generated vase as a surface to put the created 3d object as my example to put in the surface morph.

Here's the animated version of the random generated vase

For this assignment, it gave me more knowledge on how using rhino + grasshopper together. It gave more exploration and how to create more stuff and play with it.

Monday, January 30, 2023

Blogpost #3: Milestone Project #1 process

For the milestone project, I decided to create a mini table. Here's the ver. 1 of the table that I've been doing this weekend.

I will add more or change some stuff in the table or maybe re-do this version to create more complex stacked sliced work.

Sunday, January 29, 2023

Blogpost #2 Animation

 For this blogpost, I just created a simple animation using grasshopper. The model that I've created was simple for me to explore more the intermediate level of grasshopper in rhino. Below are the code and the models. (I apologize for the late submission of this blogpost.)

Simple Model.


Simple Animation GIF.

I exploring more and more in rhino + grasshopper which is awesome to create some models. I have plans to create more complex animation in grasshopper in the future.

Sunday, January 22, 2023

Blogpost #1 My First Definition

It was great to use Rhino again this semester, especially the visual programming of it called "Grasshopper". It was pretty challenging to learn Grasshopper since it was a visual programming language. But it doesn't stop me to study and learn visual programming even though its not really my forte. The screenshot below is one of the tutorials that I watched.

Below is my actual work and exploration. I am really looking forward to create more using Grasshopper on Rhino because it was really efficient to use; especially for complex shapes