Monday, April 3, 2023

Final Blog Post: All Milestone Projects

 These are all my blogpost for my final semester. Happy Viewing and Thank You very much!!!

BLOGPOST #1 - My First Definition

BLOGPOST #2 - Animation

BLOGPOST #3 - Stacked Slice Models

BLOGPOST #4 - Replicate and Remediate 

Sunday, April 2, 2023

Blog Post: Project 2: Replicate and Remediate: Mold and Match-cut

Below are the image process of creating the mold and match cut. 

Creating these processes with my peers was really fun. I hope I have a chance to do it again.

Project #2: Replicate/Remediate: Initial Design

For this assignment, I researched Ebitenyefa Baralaye's work. His works were simple and elegant which I'm going to try to create a series of design in Rhino to replicate his work

This is my initial design for my work. I prefer creating simple design for my object because I like simple elegant curves which reminds me about my grandmother who passed away, she loves simple and elegant curve objects or vases.