Sunday, December 15, 2019

3D Printed Hybrid Object - Project collaboration with Adriana Bergen

On this project. Adriana and I brainstormed some ideas that we can make our projects work and join into something new. For her idea, she created and sketch these fabrics at Rhino and I sketched some headdresses, crowns, and vases for our project. In the end, we decided that we should create a crown that and fabric that was guarded by multiple snakes around it. Here are the examples of our work and our sketches and ideas that Me and Adriana brought up together.

Our Ideas,

Final Model in Rhino


Final Result

Papercraft Object - Revision

Sorry for the late post of this assignment.

Here are the Final revision of the papercraft object.

This is the rhino model version.

The pieces,

And the Final output of the Object

Papercraft Research - Elegant Paper Sculptures of Li Hongbo

Last year, when I was taking Dr. Salahub's art history class. I was curious and amazed at the artists of the high renaissance, especially Michelangelo who was one of the artists that I've been influenced with and trying to study his works. His sculptures were amazing, almost perfect and elegant on how he made it through marble, as marble back at the high renaissance period was the hardest and expensive stone. 

To this day, I'd still follow Michelangelo's work until I saw the article about paper sculptures. It changed my perception of sculpture and also the use of paper. Artist Li Hongbo used a large amount of paper to recreate the bust of classical sculptures, and the best part was his work was the bust sculptures were stretchable in a different direction.

Through his work, Li Hongbo studies the strengths and weaknesses of the paper and studies the old mediums of sculpture that the classical artists were using back in the classical years. He combined the two for him to create this elegant and yet cheap way to create a sculpture or a bust to a bunch of papers and also manipulating our eyes that we think that it was made of marble.

Here is his example work:

3D scan

Sorry for the late post of this assignment..

Here, I manage to get a good scan of my object with the help of our lab technician Peter.

And here are the 3 final renders of the object that I Scan with the use of Rhino 6

I called it The Shrine of Mishima

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Paper Prototype Project (The D-Pad Joystick)

(More pictures will upload later.. as my rhino software always crashing for unknown reasons and can't print faster..)

For this project, I decided to create a d-pad joystick as my object for the paper prototype (It should be a big arcade stick but not enough paper to make it). Back in 2012 when I was still in the Philippines, Gaming was a huge part of my daily routine in day to day life, I met most of my friends and enemies in the Gaming Community (E-Sports was not that popular back then). I usually join local tournaments back in my country, as I'm one of the best players in Tekken 6 using a unique character named Yoshimitsu. When our instructor Bryan gave us this project, I already knew what object I will be going to create and to represents me as a person back then, well I'm still playing but I'm not kind of player back when I was in 2012. It still makes me smile when I reminisce back in 2012.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Mesh Mashup (HD Renders)

On-Going Rendering Work(Approx. 1 to 2 hour per image to render. will update post)

Fountain of Youth

Monday, September 23, 2019

Remix Culture - Fun of Remixing

Remix Culture....

For what I understand about remixing is that finding good things on those objects that you want, experimenting and to create them as what pleases you. Remixing is part of my everyday life as an artist and at the same time as an assistant in the kitchen which is I experiment and remix most of the food there (I worked and help at our restaurant, which is my father was the head chef and the co-owner, and it was in Red Deer which I go there every weekend). Even though it's bad when remixing the food rather than remixing some two or multiple objects, I still have the opportunity to have a lot of fun and also trying my best to recreate something that will call as my masterpiece.

These are my 10 art concepts:

1.) Bathing Samurai

Skull Wine-
Yoshimitsu Mask-

2. a Genie (Need more SOUL!!!)

(Note: I downloaded the Shadow Fiend figure piece by piece which it was a pain in the butt)
Shadow Fiend-
Genie Lamp-

3. Thinker Thinking about lifting Mjolnir (Am I worthy?)

The Thinker-

4. Venus of Hannya


5. Nefertiti watches you!!!(Join the empire of Aten or suffer)


6. Buwaya spotted! (Based on Corrupt Politicians)

Spoon and Fork-
Croc Head-

7. Air Jordan Battle Tank


8. The fearsome "DRAGON"


9. Moses Khajiit sells some Skooma!!


10. RANDOM!!!! (I ran out of ideas, sorry..)


Tuesday, September 17, 2019

In my response to Gary Hustwit's Objectified, designers often help other people to make their lives easier, to give something new to the taste of the people and also what is trending in our present time. designers in the documentary, like Dan Formosa and Rob Walker. Their ideas, which gave me an idea to create my own design. A gaming keyboard and a gaming mouse.

this is the entire set of the gaming keyboard and mouse

The gaming mouse is wireless and gives more comfort to the user (the red button was for the mic)
This is the gaming keyboards, it is detachable and can give more comfort to the user